I love this. I 95/5ed it! I think that's what I did with Facebook. I only use it for Marketplace now, because I have a commitment to never buying anything new that can be purchased re-used and re-purposed. I play a game with myself now, when I do open FB to look on Marketplace, I look at the first friend post - only the top one - and think, that is the one piece of friend info I was supposed to get this time. I then reach out to that friend outside of facebook, via text or telephone, or even snail mail.

My life is gentler now.

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I can relate as well. It's about what information I need and for what.

This awareness helps me use information and technology (social media) as a tool for good. Rather than allowing it to dictate our experiences or choices. We are then active participants in our lives. We enhance ourselves rather than the other way around.

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Feel that.

Have ditched Instagram and Facebook years ago. Never used Tik Tok. Tried X shortly but didn't like it at all. Even ditched WhatsApp for three years or so.

In the past, I've neglected LinkedIn (and now try to use it to get new clients) but I won't lie it sometimes feels overwhelming.

Like you say, deleting social media isn't no cure-all but it removes a lot of pressure from your every day life. Now, I can't even imagine how it must feel like to be on all those platforms simulatenously again...

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