My whole life, I see auras. I didn’t know that this was a weird trait until I was 11. I thought everyone saw them and didn’t talk about them.

Your depiction of pixels in the forehead and thoughts escaping them as gates is a very good description of what I see. Except it isn’t just thoughts. It’s feelings and moods and emotions and energies. And it isn’t just fractals of light, it’s textures and movements and vibrations and so much more.

What I see when people are focused is more of a coordinated symphony of energies rather than a disorganized chaos.

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Sep 19Author

Fascinating! I can't see auras, but what you're saying still makes perfect sense to me!

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Hi Nik! I can see them too, in a different way but I can tell you this gal is the real deal just from what she mentioned here! It truly is fascinating stuff.

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Hi Teri! I'm a shaman and elemental reader. :) You have a beautiful gift, and a way with words as well! One of my most popular readings I do is called my Aura-Chakra Whole Enchilada (haha) - so believe me when I say, I understand the meaning behind everything you said. And I love your phrase "coordinated symphony of energies" a LOT, as an alternative to "organized chaos." Thanks!

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Hi Evergreen! I'm a shaman as well. I studied for 6 years with Malidoma Somé of the Dagara tribe of Burkina Faso. I also went through the elder initiation rites in 2009. He was the only person I have ever met who sees auras and energy in more detail than I do. Nice to meet you!

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Very powerful. I will never think of focus the same again!! Your work is inspired. Thank you.

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Sep 18Liked by Nik

Whoa! That was pretty powerful and mesmerizing, Nik. I will endeavor to have a laser focused, concentrated mind so that I may become all of those wonderful things you so eloquently describe, and then some!

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